310 Entrepreneurship

The students can undertake entrepreneurship studies and learn entrepreneurship skills, related to their own field, in all vocational basic qualifications. The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Planning a business module of the vocational basic qualifications.

The professionals of this skill category can work according to the competence area in an own enterprise or as an employee.

#taitaja2023 #entrepreneurship #BePro


The results will be published after the final.

Description of the skill category

In the finals of the skill category Entrepreneurship, there will be organized a three-day proactive and innovative competition concerning acting in an entrepreneurial manner and entrepreneurial skills. In the competition, the focus of the entrepreneurial skills is on a student’s preparedness for entrepreneurship, ability to look for customer-oriented, sustainable and economically profitable solutions, as well as on a student’s goal-directed approach to taking responsibility for his/her own action and its effects.

The students compete pairwise and develop a new business idea. They draw up a new business plan and present it. Moreover, the students can solve assignments given by partner enterprises. The groups perform the competition tasks through analyzing and developing these enterprises.

The competition tasks represent real situations of the entrepreneurial operation and the entrepreneurial stakeholders are involved in the competition task assignments and assessments. The competition will be carried out in the competition venue and real skill category related operational environments. The skill category observes the constant themes of the Taitaja competition: Entrepreneurship, Sustainable development, Wellbeing at work and Work safety.

The competition is a pair competition.

Skill requirements

The competition tasks of the skill category Entrepreneurship correlate with the requirements for the grade “Excellent” in the following modules of the basic vocational qualifications: Planning a business and Working as a top expert. The competition, including functional tasks, will be recognized as a part of the studies and vocational skills demonstrations as widely as possible. The competitor can give a demonstration on his/her vocational skills during the semifinals or finals.

Areas of expertise in the entrepreneurship type:

  • evaluate their own strengths and skills
  • seek and brainstorm business opportunities
  • develop a business idea and prepares a business plan for it
  • pitching a business plan
  • prepares documents related to the establishment of the company.

A competitor:

  • is initiative-taking and responsible as a team member
  • has creativity, problem-solving skills and ability to cooperate
  • manages networking
  • has competence regarding profitability and financing
  • is sales-minded and service-minded
  • has presentation and negotiation skills
  • is able to evaluate his/her own action and develop it.

Skill category managers

Skill steering group

  • Kari Storckovius, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia 
  • Risto Pulkka, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia
  •  Juha Jokinen, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia 
  • Maija Viinikkala, Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova 
  • Leena Laakso-Seppälä, Savon ammattiopisto 
  • Risto Räsänen, Savon ammattiopisto 
  • Tove Kietz, Yrkeshögskolan Arcada 
  • Tarja Miettinen, Jobinno 

Partners of the skill

Main event partners