P2 Property Management

The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the satisfactory level (T1) requirements of the Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services. The qualification titles of the vocational qualification are property maintenance operativesite facilities operative and housekeeper.

Work sites may include, for example, educational institutions, commercial premises, residential buildings, social or health care institutions, industrial plants, hotels and other customer locations.

#taitaja2023 #propertymanagement #BePro


The results will be published after the final.

Description of the skill category

The property management services sector is a diverse field with varying tasks. Property managers work in the maintenance, servicing and repair of properties. The property manager’s work includes the maintenance of courtyard areas, small-scale maintenance and repair works, and monitoring of the technology belonging to the property. The property manager may be employed by a property maintenance company, municipality or industrial enterprise, for example.

The property manager has diverse basic skills in property maintenance. In addition, the property manager may have special expertise in, for example, the maintenance of ventilation units, structural repairs or HVAC system maintenance. The property manager’s work requires customer service skills, diligence and responsibility.

The competition task is an individual task. Competition tasks can be utilised as vocational skills demonstrations. On the basis of the certificate received, the student/competitor can apply for the recognition of learning from his/her educational institution.

The TaitajaPLUS competition is intended for vocational students who need special support.

The competition has no age limit.

Skill requirements

The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the satisfactory level requirements of the Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services, competence area of property maintenance.

The skill category focuses on the maintenance, servicing and repair of properties as well as customer service tasks. The competition tasks of the skill category are prepared in close cooperation with representatives of working life, and the competition tasks are based on the requirements of working life.

Competition tasks can be utilised as vocational skills demonstrations.

Skill category managers

Skill steering group

  • Petri Seppänen, Livesäätiö, Ammattiopisto Live 
  • Valter Ahlberg, Livesäätiö, Ammattiopisto Live 
  • Tiia Brax, Kiinteistötyönantajat ry 
  • Janne Suntio, Rakennusteollisuus RT ry 
  • Jari Järvinen, Kiipulasäätiö, Kiipulan ammattiopisto 
  • Timo Räsänen, Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto 
  • Petri Hämäläinen, Ammattiopisto Luovi 
  • Erno Järvistö, Satakunnan koulutuskuntayhtymä, Sataedu 
  • Esa Manninen, Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä, Sakky 
  • Tarja Heikkinen, Opetushallitus 

Partners of the skill

Main event partners