301 Customer Service and Sales

The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in Business. The qualification title of the basic qualification is merkonomi.

The professionals of this vocation may work for example in customer services and sales, marketing communications, visual merchandising, service design, finance, and office or library services tasks in different organisations, in an accountancy firm or in finance departments of enterprises or organisations in different sectors.

#taitaja2023 #customerserviceandsales #BePro


The results will be published after the final.

Description of the skill category

The skill category is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the Vocational qualification in Business (merkonomi). The competition tasks correlate with the requirements for the grade Excellent in the modules Customer service and Sales of the basic qualification. The competition tasks consist of different customer service and sales situations.

Competition is individual.

Skill requirements

The competitors can identify the customer’s needs, profitably sell products which are suitable for the customer’s needs and serve customers in a customer-oriented manner in different environments.

The competitors manage the service situations in one foreign language (English). The competitors are able to work in an entrepreneurial, economic and qualitative way, and their working is well-organised, initiative-taking and carried out with the appropriate equipment and devices, considering the work safety and sustainable development.

Skill category managers

Skill steering group

  • Minna Järvinen, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia 
  • Riitta Hartikka, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia 
  • Konsta Ojanen, Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova
  • Elina Pentikäinen, Savon ammattiopisto 
  • Kari Soininen, Savon ammattiopisto 
  • Miia Moilanen, Savon ammattiopisto 
  • Tarja Vainionpää, Savon ammattiopisto 
  • Minttu Kilpinen, Mercuria 
  • Eero Löytömäki, Palvelualojen ammattiliitto Pam 
  • Minna Taivassalo, Opetushallitus 
  • Mari Liikanen, Kesko Oyj

Partners of the skill

  • Black Omnia logo.

Main event partners