The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in forestry. The qualification titles of the
basic qualification are metsäenergian tuottaja (forest-based energy
producer), metsäkoneasentaja (forest machine mechanic),
metsäkoneenkuljettaja (forest machine operator) and metsuri-metsäpalvelujen
tuottaja (forest worker/forest services producer).
The professional who have completed the qualification may work according
to the competence area for example in forest machine operation in mechanised
timber production or local transportation of timber by lorry, mechanised site
preparation and forest management, as forest workers/forest services producers,
in forest-based energy production or forest-based machine installation.
The competition tasks of Forestry Machinery skill are based on the
requirements and criteria of “Excellent” in the vocational studies of the
Vocational qualification in forestry. The competition tasks are related to the
use of forest machinery and both theoretical and practical skills of the
competitors are assessed.
Assessment is focused on the use
of forest machinery, work planning, quality management, work load management,
consideration of occupational safety, cleanliness and the environment as well as
the ability to work systematically and co-operate with others. The machinery
and equipment used in the competition tasks are defined in detail before the
competition. The competition tasks are organized in modules, so they can be
assessed daily.
The competition is individual.
Skill requirements
The competition tasks are based on the requirements and criteria of
”Excellent” in the following professional modules of the Vocational
qualification in forestry: