604 Laboratory technician

The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the Vocational Qualification in Laboratory Technology. The qualification title of the vocational qualification is laboratory technician

As a laboratory technician, you can work in various tasks in the laboratory field, such as quality assurance of industrial products, natural sciences research, development of products and production methods, or monitoring the state of the environment and food quality.

#taitaja2023 #laboratorytechnician #BePro


The results will be published after the final.

Description of the skill category

The laboratory technician examines everyday items, such as food products, the environment, medicines and cosmetics. The laboratory technician ensures the quality and safety of products. The laboratory technician also participates in the development of new products, disease research and crime solving. The work of the laboratory technician includes the analysis of industrial raw materials and products, such as paints and fuels. In practical work, the laboratory technician prepares solutions, takes and processes samples, takes measurements and calculates results. The work of the laboratory technician is precise, careful, responsible and long-term, and it requires the ability to work independently and in a team.

In the Taitaja competition, the laboratory technician makes laboratory determinations. The laboratory technician processes samples and performs the necessary chemical, physical and biotechnological analyses. The laboratory technician calculates the results, assesses the accuracy of the results and draws conclusions about the quality of the samples. The laboratory technician adheres to occupational safety regulations and the principles of sustainable development in their work. The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the excellent level skills requirements of the Vocational Qualification in Laboratory Technology and the requirements of working life.

Laboratory technician is a skill category with no age limit. The competition is an individual competition.

Skill requirements

Skill requirements will be published later.

Skill category managers

Skill steering group

  • Sanna Matinaho, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia 
  • Essi Kantoluoto, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia 
  • Heidi Eskeli, Koulutuskeskus Salpaus 
  • Sonja Kannisto, Turun ammatti-instituutti 
  • Leena Kainulainen, Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto 
  • Mia Pirttimaa, Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä 
  • Sari-Sisko Kantola, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia 
  • Marjatta Säisä, Opetushallitus 
  • Hanna Hyyryläinen, Kemianteollisuus ry 
  • Taru Reinikainen, Ammattiliitto Pro 
  • Susanna Berghäll, Origin by Ocean 
  • Merja Heimala, Neste 
  • Inga Tiainen, Neste 
  • Tuija Hytönen, Luke 
  • Pinja Harakkamäki, Curium Pharma 

Partners of the skill

Main event partners